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Hey Max,

It will be refreshing to read about your experiences because you are a trail-blazer to take this path. Hope it will be a good example for other VCs.

From my humble experience move quickly to get as detailed and hands-on as possible on your technologies and products.

I guarantee you will find flying a cropduster to be exhilarating, frequently scary when you stall the engine, but immense fun, and nothing could be better than the feeling when you land ;)

Thanks for helping our team out, and just let us know whenever http://www.3scale.net/ can return the favour.

Michael Palmer

Congratulations for having courage to make the career switch!
And good luck (the essential ingredient of success, after acquiring experience and positioning yourself in the right place at the right time)!
Best wishes,

Ewald Weizenbauer

Congratulations and all the best for your new venture!
Trust me - it's great to be a VCtE.
Best wishes,

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