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Nic Brisbourne

Thanks for the link Max, and nice post.

I agree with the requirements you list for effective phase three management, but even with mature businesses you often still need a bit of magic that it is difficult to capture in process. I was told a story over breakfast this morning about a very substantial business that brought in professional management last year and had a very successful transition in many regards (largely better process and more focus) but dropped in profitability at least in part because they lost some of the artistry in the way they acquired traffic.


What about the "COO model", i.e., transferring only the more operational duties to such an experienced professional? Transition might be much smoother. Though I could imagine that there is too much friction between the COO and CEO, or that it is easier too find a strong candidate for the top job.


Good point Mike - I'm hearing more exec search firms promoting the COO model. I think it's a great way to keep the founder engaged as CEO while giving a lot of the process/management work to a professional. But the chemistry between them has to be perfect, which is difficult to find.

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