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I actually cracked the last bit of the OS X Humax to MPEG bit, as noted at http://www.breadedcod.com/2006/11/10/humax-9200t-to-os-x-conquered/

However, I completely agree that all this stuff should be totally seamless - mainly because I have the same pressure to not burn a weekend figuring this stuff out :)

Julian Bond

For those of us with Sky/NTL there's a related problem. There's couple of channels like Eurosport that aren't on Freeview that you want to record. But the Humax and things like it have no recording function for Line-in.

I suspect with the Humax you can go via a DVD-R to a PC. but you should be able to just plug it in.

What I'd really like to see is all these boxes running some form of linux and having an ethernet port. Samba, NFS, FAT32 are the way to go. It's kind of similar to wanting the wireless router to support a hard disk and printer for network storage. Let's link everything into a home network.

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